How should small businesses do internet marketing? 

Small business marketing \ How should small businesses do internet marketing?

It can be challenging to find the time and budget for internet marketing if you’re a small business. But thanks to internet marketing, there’s no need for big budgets or huge investments of time - small businesses can get started with little cost. They can scale up or down based on what they want their results to be.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the benefits of internet marketing for small businesses, as well as how small businesses should do internet marketing. Let your success story become just as common as the ones of your competitors!

What is Internet Marketing?

Internet marketing means running online promotions regarding your company, products, or services. Internet marketing is a safe solution for small businesses as one can start it with small budgets. It’s highly measurable because it can be scaled up or down instantly based on the analytics of those ads.

The beauty of internet marketing is that it provides you valuable insights into your customer’s interests. You can use that to optimize your marketing plan and also develop your product or service portfolio.

Key Benefits of Internet Marketing for Small Businesses

Small Businesses Can Start Internet Marketing With Small Budgets.

Unlike traditional marketing, internet marketing is much more measurable and scalable. Small businesses can start with low budgets, learn what works well on the internet, find a strategy that’s working for them and scale it up to reach millions of people online without having huge upfront costs in advertising or other traditional methods.

For example, suppose you’re doing SEO. In that case, your keywords will be different from someone doing Facebook ads. There’s no one size fits all solution for small business internet marketing.

The key is finding out which strategies work best for your particular audience and goals within an affordable budget (which also might mean getting some help from experts).

Businesses Can Use It To Communicate With Customers In Real-Time Via Social Media

Did you know that almost 88% of small enterprises invest their time and money in social media? They believe it’s one of the most cost-effective ways to reach existing and potential customers.

With many social media platforms out there, small businesses and startups have more options and ways to put themselves in front of customers than ever before. Social media is also a low-cost marketing channel. Companies can communicate with customers in real-time and reach out to new potential customers on the fly.

They can do this by creating a Facebook page, setting up an Instagram profile, or even just emailing people on Twitter.

  • Small businesses that invest in internet marketing are less likely to be affected by sudden changes in the e-commerce industry.
  • By investing small amounts of time and money into online marketing, they can build lasting customer relationships that will generate sales for them long after those investments cease.

Along with the two major benefits mentioned here, your small business will also enjoy these additional benefits.

  • Companies can build trust and credibility by providing customer service at a distance.
  •  It’s an extremely measurable way to market.
  •  It can be scaled up or down instantly based on the results achieved.
  • Businesses can build a community of customers, suppliers, and employees online.

Do you want to start advertising your business on Google or maximize your current advertising?

Read about our Google marketing services and contact us today!

How to Do Internet Marketing for Small Businesses

Start Small and Measure Your Progress

As a small business owner, we recommend you start your first internet marketing campaign with a minimum budget. This will allow you to start small and measure your progress. You can use this data to adjust the campaign for your needs to work better with your business goals.

When starting an online marketing campaign, always make sure that you have set out clear-cut objectives. Your objectives should depict what success would look like for this particular project before spending any money on resources (such as website traffic). Online marketers should know how they will measure their success levels against these objectives.

It’s recommended that if your company makes less than $5million per year in revenue, you should spend 7-8% of your total revenue on marketing. Three main costs need to be covered with your marketing budget: setting up a functional website, building up a social media presence, and running a Google Ads PPC campaign.

Below are the ways to measure the progress of your small business internet marketing campaign (in the order of importance);

  • Website traffic - Measure visits to your website based on the number of page views, unique visitors, and bounce rates. You can also use Google Analytics or any other analytics software package.
  • Social media engagement - Measure likes, retweets, shares, etc., when you share something on social networks like Facebook, for example.
  • Email list growth - Create an email sign-up form that connects with your blog posts so interested people can subscribe and get notified about new content from you by email. The more subscribers there are registered on this service, means better the chances of having a higher conversion rate.

Explore Different Internet Marketing Approaches and Scale-up the Processes

The first step to internet marketing is selecting the right approach. There are three most popular approaches: SEO, PPC, and content marketing.

Small businesses should start with an SEO campaign as it’s a relatively inexpensive way of advertising and has high conversion rates when done correctly.

Once you succeed with your initial campaigns, you can move on to other more expensive methods like PPC or content marketing (depending on the type of business).

Each process requires different strategies for them to work properly. For example, if one needs clients, SEO keywords relevant and profitable for their company will provide benefits they didn’t know were possible before they began the process.

We hope that you found this blog post helpful and insightful. Although there are many different ways to market your business online, these tips will help give you the basics for internet marketing for small businesses.

If you’re looking for someone who can guide you through the bumpy journey and ensure success, let us know! Our team of experts at Team Kubla is always happy to work with new clients on all levels of their digital or traditional marketing campaign. We tailor our strategy based on your specific industry needs to provide maximum ROI.

For any assistance relating specifically to SEO or PPC management services, please book a free consultancy call with one of our specialists today!

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Small business internet marketing
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Do you want to leverage the internet in the sales and marketing of your business?

Contact us and we will contact you within the next working day and:

  • Explore the opportunities offered by digital marketing for your business.
  • Build a concrete proposal and offer the service best suited for your business.
  • Arrange a kick-off meeting and start advertising

We can also arrange a short phone conference where we will discuss marketing together!