Four building blocks for a sustainable marketing strategy 

Small business marketing \ Marketing in business \ Four building blocks for a sustainable marketing strategy

In his keynote speech, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos said how he is often asked: what will change in the next 10 years? But he wished he was asked a fundamentally different question: what is not going to change? How this affects your sustainable marketing strategy?

The former is the subject of a dinner discussion; the latter is what businesses are built on.

In digital marketing, the focus is often on the things that are changing. A few years ago, customers switched to mobile instead of desktop. A couple of years ago, video replaced images as the primary media, and now Instagram stories have replaced Snapchat as the distribution channel for mobile video.

These are important considerations when planning campaigns. But you can’t build a business on a weak foundation.

Do you want to start advertising your business on Google or maximize your current advertising?

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So what are the things that will stay the same over the next 10 years?

  1. Marketing is the best way of telling customers about your products and services. Whether it is traditional marketing or spiced up with a digital extension, marketing managers often fail to focus on the customer’s buying journey. 

Customers don’t care whether they meet a company through digital or the traditional route. What matters is that the brand meets the customer and drives action.

  1. The most successful companies know how to communicate their products in ways that appeal to customers. Whether through a storytelling social video or a traditional magazine front page ad, that is a marketing manager’s choice. 

As long as they remember the following bitter truth: Whether a company’s message appeals to the buyer is the choice of the wallet holder.

  1. The company that makes it easiest to buy from them wins. 

Sometimes it’s by making a user-friendly interactive website, and sometimes it’s by adapting the store space to meet changing needs. 

But, first, make sure you know what are the difficulties your customers face while buying?

  1. The companies that understand their customers best are doing better than their competitors.

You can get insights into your customer’s expectations through web analytics, but this isn’t the only route. The huge data reserves of multinational corporations and AI-based business intelligence solutions don’t mean that the local cornerstone shop owners are left behind. 

Don’t forget the simple method of collecting and processing customer insights: talking to the customer.

Want to talk to us more about how we can help you with either social marketing or Google Ads campaign? Sure, we’ll get you ahead of the digital curve without forgetting the fundamental pillars of marketing.

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sustainable marketing strategy
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  • Explore the opportunities offered by digital marketing for your business.
  • Build a concrete proposal and offer the service best suited for your business.
  • Arrange a kick-off meeting and start advertising

We can also arrange a short phone conference where we will discuss marketing together!