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Small business marketing \ Marketing in business \ Content Marketing - The Basics Every Marketer Should Know

Content marketing is one of the oldest forms of marketing and is, in a nutshell, all about providing your audience with interesting content. It’s a way of getting the audience (i.e., the potential customers) interested in your business, learning more about your services, and ultimately contacting you.

The primary purpose of content marketing is to help the audience by answering the questions they have about the services you offer.

Create engaging content for your audience 

You can use the following channels for content marketing:

  • Social media
  • Google
  • Downloadable resource on your company’s website
  • Newsletters
  • TV
  • Radio
  • Newspaper advertising
  • Billboard ads.
  • Flyers distribution
  • The list goes on and on

Content marketing: Why is it worth it?

Giving away free information to potential customers is always worthwhile. How about introducing your audience to a topic they are interested in? Doing this will establish credibility in their mind, and you will remain in their minds when they are ready to make a purchase decision.

Content marketing is worthwhile and should be done systematically. If you provide information on where your potential customers are looking for it, you’ll solve the questions on their minds and get them to look for more answers to other questions on your website. 

An article on our blog discusses Content Strategy, which is well worth reading. It’s also worth bearing in mind that another party can also produce content. This is what influencer marketing and blog collaborations are based on, for example.

The key elements of content marketing

  1. Help the audience

Content marketing is one of the best ways to help potential customers understand why they should make a purchase decision in general. 

Assisting them doesn’t mean that you are only highlighting the features of your company’s services. First, help the customer understand why they should solve their problem, regardless of the service you offer. This way, your content marketing will work better because the audience understands whether you are trying to promote your company or help them.

  1. Put your content in front of the right audience.

You can only help your audience by getting your message in front of them. This means it’s essential to think about where your audiences are looking for information about the services you offer. In this scenario, a keyword research tool can be helpful. It can show you what services your customers are searching for on Google. 

In addition to Google, it’s a good idea to consider other digital marketing methods to reach your customers. For example, you can use social media to get more than 80% of all US decision-makers. I will discuss this further below in the section “Provide information on the channels your customers use.”

Do you want to start advertising your business on Google or maximize your current advertising?

Read about our Google marketing services and contact us today!

Objectives of content marketing

Measuring the results of content marketing will be discussed below, but let’s consider the objectives and why content marketing is worthwhile at this stage. 

The aim of content marketing is, of course, to help the audience learn about the service you offer and the added benefits it brings. The goal can be seen as building brand awareness. Your salespeople will ultimately make the sale from these new leads that are introduced to your business.

Content marketing and awareness building will always help you to get more customers. So the more customers who know your business, the more contacts you will get. 

When you have built a credible reputation in your customers’ minds, they will find you. Nevertheless, you must make sure that your business’s content marketing reaches your potential customers first. This is what we will cover in the next section.

The importance of targeting in content marketing

Let’s take the example of a company offering window refurbishment services to individuals and how a marketer should target content marketing.

Is it worth targeting content marketing in areas where there are apartment blocks? Probably not, although some of these residents may have a second home in a single-family neighborhood. Therefore, it is a good idea to target advertising in areas where there are detached houses and perhaps also holiday homes.

But is it worth targeting advertising in new areas that have been built in the last 20 years? Probably not. So we can target areas where there are detached houses, and the area has been inhabited for about 50 years.

Thus, for the example above, the company can launch a targeted content marketing campaign using social media and considering factors, such as; 

Budget $1000 = Reaching 100,000 - 300,000 decision makers living in the region

So you can make sure that your company’s content marketing reaches the right people most cost-effectively. This way, you can attract potential customers to the benefits of window refurbishment, as well as to the services your company offers.

How do you measure the effectiveness of your content marketing?

It is possible to measure content marketing very precisely, and it works. I have attached a picture of our model report with a real case study. So we can measure how your company’s content marketing is working, and we can measure things like these (see image below).

  • Media budget utilized
  • The number of people reached by your company’s content marketing (coverage)
  • How often these people saw the ad (impressions and frequency of impressions)
  • The number of clicks on your ad (e.g., likes, shares, comments)
  • Clicks on your website generated by your advertisement (the number of people arriving on your website as a result of your ad)
  • E-commerce revenue
  • Return of ad investment (return of ad expense)

We would be happy to tell you more about how you should carry out your company’s content marketing in a planned and productive way. We can also provide you with metrics to monitor this.

For more information about these results and the best channels, please feel free to contact us.

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content marketing
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Do you want to leverage the internet in the sales and marketing of your business?

Contact us and we will contact you within the next working day and:

  • Explore the opportunities offered by digital marketing for your business.
  • Build a concrete proposal and offer the service best suited for your business.
  • Arrange a kick-off meeting and start advertising

We can also arrange a short phone conference where we will discuss marketing together!