7 Tips for Google Ads Optimization 

Google ads are one of the most sophisticated forms of digital marketing. Millions of businesses depend on google ads to get their message out and drive traffic to their website. But, this can be a difficult task if you don’t know what you’re doing! In this blog post, we will discuss 7 tips for Google Ads optimization that should help your business generate more revenue from each dollar spent on advertising. Let’s start.

1. Remove underperforming keywords

If you have a campaign in which some of the keywords are underperforming, then it might be time to remove them. You’ll want to do this so that your ads don’t waste money on irrelevant clicks and impressions.

So, what are underperforming keywords? For us, they are the ones with CTR <2%.

2. Optimize your landing page for conversions

The goal of any display campaign is conversion - whether it’s a phone call, form fills out, or purchase. To do this successfully you should optimize your site’s landing pages so that they accurately reflect what people will find once they click through from your ad and visit the website.

This includes making sure that every single piece of content has been optimized to include relevant key phrases while also ensuring social media profiles match up as well! If you’re struggling to come up with content that aligns well, you can use Google Keyword Planner which offers keyword suggestions. Tools like SEMRush and Ahrefs will also give you tons of high-quality keywords and tracking options.

3. Increase CTR and improve quality score

Google Ads can be expensive. You might think that you’re getting high-quality, affordable traffic from your ads but if you aren’t paying attention to the CTR and Quality Score metrics then all is for naught. If these numbers are low, it will cost more per click.

Improving CTR and Quality Score will help your business rank higher in the search engine. To do this, make sure you only choose words or phrases which are related to your landing page content so as not to confuse potential customers with irrelevant material.

Keep it simple by writing short sentences with descriptive adjectives about what readers should expect on each individual web page’s contents.

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4. Don’t forget to test branded keywords

Branded keywords are search terms that you expect your content to be shown for because the person looking is already aware of who they are searching for.

You can use social media platforms or tools like Google’s Keyword Planner to see what words and phrases people have been using in their searches, which should give you an idea as to how best to optimize your content for the search terms you’re interested in.

Some of the common branded keyword examples may include names that everyone knows, like Google, Kubla Marketing, Apple, etc.

Branded keywords are more likely to be searched for and, if they’re a good match with your content, can lead to conversions.

Just make sure you take the time to test out different variants of the branded keyword in order to see which performs best for that particular search term.

5. Create attractive ad copy

Attractiveness in an ad copy can help with your CTR rates. If people find them attractive, then it means that they’re more likely to click on them when compared to other ads.

Here are some tips to make your ad copies more attractive;

- Punchy Headline: A headline is a powerful marketing tool because it’s the first thing your customer will read. Punch up your headlines with keywords and compelling language to maximize results. Scannable headlines will lead readers through paragraphs of text without hesitation if they have a strong curiosity about what comes next … which often leads to increased conversion.

- Clever Ad Text: Use compelling ad text that gets an emotional response from readers, hooks them in, or makes them want to take action. Avoid using boring ad copy about features; instead, create ads with benefits for consumers.

- Call To Action: Your call to action should tell visitors what you want them to do on your site - whether that means signing up for a newsletter, downloading something free, watching a video, or reading more content.

6. Always try new ads

You might wonder why you should always try new ads. The answer is that the more often you experiment with different ad copy, headlines, and images to see what works best for your audience, the better chance of landing on a winner.

Yes, we are talking about the one where traffic can be both engaged in clicks throughs but also converting into leads or sales. Persistence pays off when it comes to Google Ad optimization!

But, how do you create new ad copies constantly? The best way is to stay up to date with the industry trends. Conducting A/B testing is one of the best ways to know which one is better between the two apps.

7. Try dynamic keywords insertion

Dynamic keywords insertion is a dynamic keyword matching algorithm that Google Adwords uses to match ads with search queries. It helps you tailor your bidding strategy and ad content to the people most likely to click on it, as well as improve your Quality Score over time.

How does dynamic keywords insertion work? Dynamic Keyword Insertion works by automatically inserting relevant words or phrases into text in order for them not to be missed when someone searches those terms

When should I use dynamic keywords insertion? You can use dynamic keyword injection at any point during the campaign life cycle but they are especially useful if you have new product lines, products that need more exposure, want better tracking of clicks due to branded campaigns, etc.

Final Words on Google Ads Optimization

So, there you have it. 7 tips to optimize your Google Ads campaigns that we hope will help you get started on the right foot and provide a solid foundation for future success in Google ads optimization.

But don’t stop here! There are many other things we recommend doing in order to take your campaigns from good to great and make them work harder for you. Google Ads optimization is a never-ending process.

If this sounds like a lot more work than what you’d prefer to do yourself or if these ideas sound interesting but not quite enough for all of your needs, then don’t hesitate to reach out to Kubla Marketing!

We would be happy to discuss our range of packages and how they might work best for you as well as any specific needs or challenges that come up when working with google ads. Just contact us at Kubla Marketing today!

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