How to use Google Ads to promote your business? 

Search engine marketing \ Paid marketing on search engines \ Google advertising \ How to use Google Ads to promote your business?

The largest digital marketing channel in the world is, without a doubt, Google Ads. Investment in the advertising channels offered by Google is constantly growing. The reason is apparent. In addition to raising the profile of a company very quickly, Google Ads can generate demand and, ultimately, sales growth that you can track very accurately in reports. How to use Google Ads?

Google Ads across different channels

You can build Google Ads on a number of Google-owned channels. For example, you can advertise on Google with Google Ads search advertising, YouTube advertising, Gmail advertising, or you can advertise on the Google Display Network with display advertising. 

The following are the factors to consider before you advertise on each channel.

Google Ads keyword advertising

Google Ads allows you to reach all those customers who are currently searching for your business services on Google’s search engine. Maybe you have been searching for services on Google yourself recently.

The Google Ads system still works very well today, although there are also users who avoid the Google Ads system. Based on the results, this doesn’t matter since many buyers will still choose the advertisement and visit your website to learn more about your services and ultimately contact you.

YouTube advertising

Many people are surprised to hear that YouTube is the second most popular search engine in the world. 

Today, YouTube is the place to look for car-related advice, outdoor furniture for the home, and tips on new products to buy. YouTube advertising is, therefore, an excellent way for many businesses to influence purchase decisions when a customer is considering a new option or just to look for information. 

Google ads also work well in this channel, although you won’t always see direct purchases from YouTube. However, you can improve the brand reputation of your business among potential customers, which will continue to be reflected in new contacts via your business website.

Do you want to start advertising your business on Google or maximize your current advertising?

Read about our Google marketing services and contact us today!

Gmail advertising

Gmail advertising is a new way for most people to advertise on Google. In our experience, Google ads also work very well within Gmail, and Gmail is the most popular email client in the world. 

You can reach most of your potential customers with Gmail advertising. For example, you can target customers who are looking for “terrace glasses,” and Google offers a very sophisticated way to do this. 

As part of Google’s “continuous auction,” Google ads are displayed across all of the channels it offers. This means that the price of advertising rises as demand increases. 

At this time, Gmail advertising has very few customers investing in this channel, which is why advertising is very affordable. As demand increases, prices will also continue to rise.

Google Display Network banner advertising

You can use banner advertising on the Google Display Network in several different ways to increase the visibility of your business. 

One of the most attractive options for customers is advertising on the sites of competitors. Many people are surprised by this relatively new way of reaching customers. 

However, you can display Google ads as banner ads only to customers who have visited your competitors’ sites. So you can reach customers at a very low cost that your competitors have paid a lot of money to get on their websites. 

Google banner ads generally cost around $100 per 100,000 people reached. Most likely, they are all visiting your competitors’ sites.

How much does Google Ads cost?

The cost for Google ads varies depending on the channel, and this can be a banner advertisement that costs as low as $0.001 per customer reached. 

The most expensive cost per customer reached is $20 per visitor referred to your company’s website. So the scale is very large, but you should design your Google ads as needed to get a powerful sales engine from Google to support your business. 

Google Ads can be priced as below, but it is worth noting that each ad will depend on the industry and competition. As a guide, the pricing models below can be used:

  • Google Ads keyword advertising - $1 per customer, referred to your website
  • YouTube advertising - $0.01 per 1 view of your video
  • Gmail advertising - $0.1 per click of your ad
  • Google Display Network banner advertising - $0.001 per impression of your ad

How do you measure the effectiveness of Google ads?

For Google advertising, you can use Google Data Studio or software such as Swydo. However, the key is to measure the performance continuously. 

Advertisers should measure results almost daily, but it’s best to allocate marketing budgets throughout the year. As optimization takes time, it is recommended to spend several weeks optimizing your advertising across multiple channels. 

Google ads are great for reaching potential customers. We recommend starting with at least a small budget on your own or choosing an experienced agency if you are already convinced of the customer acquisition potential of Google.

Using our expertise, we can help you start advertising on Google and test different advertising channels and formats.

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Google ads
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Do you want to leverage the internet in the sales and marketing of your business?

Contact us and we will contact you within the next working day and:

  • Explore the opportunities offered by digital marketing for your business.
  • Build a concrete proposal and offer the service best suited for your business.
  • Arrange a kick-off meeting and start advertising

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