Google Tag Manager for digital marketing 

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a browser-based tool developed by Google. It allows you to manage your website’s marketing tags and JavaScript snippets to send information to external services, such as Google Analytics. Google Tag Manager also helps centralize the management of marketing tags for your customers’ sites in a single place.

Google Tag Manager acts as a “straight out of the box” tool for adding various marketing tags. conversions, as well as Facebook and LinkedIn Pixel Insight for installation. 

If you can’t find the tag you need in this already comprehensive library, Google Tag Manager also has tools that allow you to add your own tags directly in JavaScript.

Google Tag Manager and marketing goal tracking

Google Tag Manager is particularly useful for digital marketing when you want to track events on your websites, such as clicks, file downloads, or even form submissions. 

The most common way to track these is to send an event to Google Analytics using a separate JavaScript snippet. Google Tag Manager makes it very simple to set up this event tracking. 

For example, Google Tag Manager helps you to determine which Analytics event to save as a “PDF download” when the link text contains the text string “.pdf.”

What goals should the tool track?

Marketing tracking and defining KPI metrics is particularly important in digital marketing. These can bring each user reached into an easy-to-read report on a monthly basis. This makes it simple to monitor marketing effectiveness and allocate marketing budgets to profitable channels.

For example, below are some metrics and KPIs that are worth tracking on your company’s website:

  • Emails sent
  • Call from your company’s website on mobile phones
  • Contact form submissions
  • Visits to the contact page
  • Newsletter subscriptions
  • Participation in events
  • Video views
  • Blogs read
  • Chat conversations
  • Sales through the online shop

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What tracking codes should I add to my site?

You should add all the digital marketing channels your business uses to your tracking. Google Tag Manager helps you do this very quickly, so it is recommended that you set up tracking for all channels immediately.

The most common tracking codes you can add are:

  • LinkedIn channel tracking code
  • Facebook channel tracking code (This also includes the Instagram channel tracking code)
  • Twitter channel tracking code
  • Other social media channel tracking codes.
  • Google Analytics
  • HubSpot, or similar marketing automation
  • Giosg-chat, or similar chat tools
  • Other software that your company may be using, and they have tracking codes

Google Tag Manager brings numerous benefits

The management efficiency of tags and scripts is greatly enhanced when Google Tag Manager is in place. You’ll find everything in one place and stay on top of the marketing tracking scripts your business uses. Otherwise, each marketing tracking tool (Google Analytics, Facebook pixel, LinkedIn pixel, HubSpot pixel) must be added separately to the code of the website platform your business uses and managing them becomes very complicated.

Google Tag Manager also helps to load scripts completely asynchronously, so the number of tags does not affect the page load speed.

Tag deployment is safe, thanks to the testing feature when using the Google Tag Manager tool.

Is Google Tag Manager difficult to use?

Tag management does not generally require any programming knowledge and tags can be created using the graphical user interface. Google Tag Manager provides tag templates that can be easily deployed with just a few clicks. So you can start using the tool with fairly simple instructions.

At the same time, you’ll have easier control over the triggers that allow you to track a wide range of events. Overall, Google Tag Manager is a useful digital marketing tool that can help you streamline your tag management and updating tasks. Easy tracking is of paramount importance and will also add value to your client in terms of more accurate reporting of results, even when you are doing search engine optimization.

How do I set up Google Tag Manager?

Google Tag Manager is set up by creating an account following Google’s instructions, and easy step-by-step instructions can be found on Google’s own website.

At Kubla, we also create accounts for our clients daily to enable Google Tag Manager. If you want to move quickly, or if you need any tips from us on how to get started, we’d be happy to help! Ask us more below!

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Google Tag Manager for digital marketing
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