Kubla’s digital marketing blog 

Read the current views of our experts on digital marketing.

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Is social media marketing worth your time

Social media marketing is definitely worth your time. You can’t miss it: on the street, almost every person has a handset, a phone, a mobile, or B…

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is 80% insight and 20% product or solution-focused speech. Influencer marketing has an impact, but isn’t that what all market…

Product Life Cycle in marketing

The modern consumer is as precise as a hawk - most want and demand to know the product’s life cycle. Values play a significant role in buying beha…

Internal Marketing: Why It Matters To Your Company?

Yes, it is needed! Many businesses place all of their efforts into external marketing, thereby neglecting internal marketing. It is essential to t…

What is Google Search Console?

Google’s Search Console is a valuable tool worth exploring. You’ve probably wondered: why doesn’t my website show up in Google? How can I get my p…

Top five tips for webinar marketing

As webinars become more popular, webinar marketing has become an increasingly popular marketing tactic. Podcasts, audiobooks, and other audio cont…

Strategic Marketing - Enjoy The Hidden Competitive Advantage!

The strategy of marketing, as well as marketing in general in the USA, has greatly advanced. Marketing is now seen as a more holistic activity - i…

The Marketing Calendar

The yearbook is a great way to keep the pack together. Book it! The annual marketing book is also known as the annual marketing calendar or plan. …

What is a Sales Funnel? Steps & how to create one

If you have worked in marketing for a while, you are probably familiar with the term sales funnel. For some, the sales funnel is commonplace and i…

Marketing Analytics

You can use analytics to develop the marketing strategy of your business and to allocate your marketing budget. Without analytics, it is almost im…

B2B Digital Marketing: All The Basics You Need

B2B marketing is quite close and comparable to consumer-facing marketing (B2C). However, there are a few things to bear in mind when planning your…

Writing a good privacy statement - 4 things to consider

There has been controversy over the collection and processing of personal data for some time. Generally, people are unsure why all this informatio…

Contact us

Do you want to leverage the internet in the sales and marketing of your business?

Contact us and we will contact you within the next working day and:

  • Explore the opportunities offered by digital marketing for your business.
  • Build a concrete proposal and offer the service best suited for your business.
  • Arrange a kick-off meeting and start advertising

We can also arrange a short phone conference where we will discuss marketing together!